Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd.
From Our Lake to Your Plate...
Corporate Social Responsibility
Nile Perch Fisheries Limited has a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility.
We pride ourselves on improving community facilities, job creation, and small-scale business development. In addition, the company provides primary health care, supports schools, and assists various non-governmental organizations involved in community service.
We are directly employing 550 people and providing livelihood to approximately 3000 fishermen and their dependents.
The company also adopts environment-friendly practices and also educates its employees in this regard.
To build a professionally managed, socially and environmentally conscious organization committed to
International Quality Standard
High Response Speed
Competitive Advantage to Customer
Highest level of Service at all times
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Our vision is sustainable, efficient, and profitable growth.
We pride ourselves on our core values:
To maintain the utmost sense of utmost professionalism, quality, and sustainability
Treat everyone fairly and with respect. Vigilance in all we do to ensure the sustainability of the inland fishery
Co-operation with regulatory agencies Open, honest, accountable, and transparent
Strive to exceed customer expectations for quality, service, and reliability
Provide a working environment that recognizes employee value and fosters innovation and respect
Above all, we are governed by our responsibilities to fishers